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Search results for: “spark”
Rather like the implied light source of the orange in this. Also always like the triad of blue, orange and red together.
This weekend in America we moved clocks ahead an hour. This generally means the following Monday is full of zombies disoriented and exhausted by what shouldn’t be a big deal but for some reason our bodies just can’t deal with it. Anyway, it’s a new week and at least around here, a sunny-ish one to…
Night Sky
Without meaning to, this ended up looking like the night sky, I think. What do you think? What does this look like to you?
Last week, the latest round of Spark ended (and once again I participated).* As in the past, that also means that I have a new crop of unpublished iterations to share with you here. The written inspiration piece I was assigned this go-round was more complex than some I’ve gotten in the past and dealt…
Holiday break
Just a quick post to say ‘Happy New Year.’ As you may have guessed this is a sibling a few of the illustrations posted earlier in December (1, 2, 3) which were iterations for the last round of Spark in 2013. This one felt festive with it’s bright, complementary colors. Hope everyone’s year is off…
It’s almost the new year. I’m more excited than a kid on Christmas eve waiting to open their presents.
What do you see in this illustration? I had a professor in college who would often start critiques of work with the question “where does this take you?” I find myself asking people the same thing when viewing or discussing art. To me, an eye and maybe some barbed wire emerges from this piece, but…
Happy Holidays, all! And for those who celebrate, have yourselves a merry little Christmas. xo
It’s Festivus! And look, another blog post—it’s a Festivus miracle (Ok, not really..but FESTIVUS)! As you might’ve guess this is related to two of the other illustrations (1 and 2) posted earlier this month. Happy Festivus, everyone!
Getting Colder
Here’s another iteration related to the discarded draft I posted earlier in December. Both were iterations for the latest round of Spark, the collaborative art and writing project to which I have alluded before. After a few weeks away from this version, I’m not sure that I like it that much anymore. What do you…
Freezing rain
It’s been another bonkers week and as is becoming a habit of late, my focus has not be on blogging, unfortunately. So it goes. On the upside, things seem to be settling down. And today it snowed for hours (the first snow of the year) which makes this northerner happy. We’ll see what next week…
The last few days I’ve been fighting back a cold and also trying to wrangle what seemed like acres of leaves. I will admit to coming up short, the leaves always win (though at least I’m feeling mostly better). And as the month zooms by and the wind picks up, the tress are starting to…
Rather like how this image almost seems to glow. Or is that just me (Am I nuts? Hope not.)? Anyway, even though I tend towards darker palettes, I like how this turned out— the glow of the softer colors helps add lightness and depth to what could’ve turned into a rather gloomy piece. What do…
During the recent cleaning ( and purging ) of my main hard drive, I’ve unearthed discarded folders of old work drafts and unpublished photos that have kept me busy for the last few days. This weekend was spent concentrating on photos, so today I’m focusing on illustrations to give my eyes and brain a break.…
This weekend, I spent quite a bit of time tidying hard drives and folders of old work. It feels great to have a more orderly library of files and was fun to find old pieces I’d forgotten about. Here’s a discarded draft of an illustration that I found and liked: Curious what this piece turned…
More forgotten sketches
Another forgotten sketch from the files… What do you think? Curious about the final version? Check it out here.
More from the forgotten file…
Another draft from the cutting room floor… While I like the composition to some extent, the color palette just isn’t working for me. Not surprised this ended up in the discarded file. What do you think?
Here’s another from the “discarded iteration file”… Giving this a second look, the direction this piece is taking doesn’t seem half bad…
On the cutting room floor
A few more from the discarded work file… See the finished piece here…
Continuing along the theme of discarded process work, here are few process iterations from my response piece for Spark, series 10 How about you? What do you do with discarded sketches or concept work from creative projects? Do you archive them, or incorporate them into some sort of presentation? Or are they simply casualties of…