
Category: old work

  • Digging

    This weekend, I spent quite a bit of time tidying hard drives and folders of old work. It feels great to have a more orderly library of files and was fun to find old pieces I’d forgotten about. Here’s a discarded draft of an illustration that I found and liked: Curious what this piece turned…

  • A-B Sorting

    For some reason, today I decided to start sorting and moving old files from a local drive to a backup. And since I am the visual sort, it is inevitable that I end up looking through folder after folder of old images. This will probably mean a flurry of posts featuring some of what I…

  • More from the forgotten file…

    Another draft from the cutting room floor… While I like the composition to some extent, the color palette just isn’t working for me. Not surprised this ended up in the discarded file. What do you think?

  • Discarded

    Here’s another from the “discarded iteration file”… Giving this a second look, the direction this piece is taking doesn’t seem half bad…

  • More from the cutting room floor

    Picking up from my recent post about sharing overlooked sketches and process work, below is another installment from the cutting room floor. These are iterations from work on my response piece for Spark, series 11 Have you heard of Spark? It’s a quarterly collaborative art event that’s been ongoing for several years now. Organized by…

  • Overlooked

    I’ve been doing quite a lot of file organizing and digital “housekeeping” so to speak lately. And aside from the obvious result of tidier hard drives, my memory (no pun intended) has been refreshed with ideas and projects I’d forgotten about. So this evening I’m going to start sharing some of those overlooked pieces and…

  • 6 years ago today…

    …I was in Stockholm attending an opening with one of my neighbors. We were there to see a piece of my work on exhibition, one which earned me an award that night. The evening was freezing and strangely solemn but there was champagne and a few laughs –not too shabby, really. Time flies…

  • More from the cutting room floor

    A discarded draft of a recent submission for an online art exhibition:

  • Leftovers

    Despite having spent a week without my right hand (pronounced ‘MacBook’), I still managed to have a fairly productive week. In fact, this goes out the door tomorrow morning: How ’bout you guys? What have you been up to lately, dear readers? What did I miss?

  • Leftovers

    Lately, I’ve been doing more than my fair share of tidying. Though in all fairness, I’ve also done my fair share of space invasion and creating unholy messes of boxes and newspapers from all the unpacking. Nevertheless, I have been on an organization kick; one that extends as far as my hard drives. In sorting…

  • A wolf in sheep’s clothing

    Despite three 1000 mile plus moves in the last four years, I STILL have a stack of these that I really should get around to selling: Designed and produced in 2004, A wolf in sheep’s clothing was a winner of the annual Swedish National Paper Screen Printing Competition that year. It has been exhibited at…

  • Recent “sketches”

    Still need to do a proof print and then refine the first two… sketched this over the weekend and will carve it soon…

  • Wet Spring

    For as long as I can remember, Spring has been a season of wet and saturated color to me – opposing polarities – warm and cold, decay and growth – struggling to balance out… Last week there was an absolutely spectacular thunderstorm.. I couldn’t help but take a few photos, some of which I’ve already…

  • Great Minds think alike?

    Theirs: Screaming Trees/ Sweet Oblivion Mine: Prick/ Prick (unpublished front & back cover)