Tag: animation

  • Scintillation

    As a jump-start to the week, here is a gorgeous piece to get your creative juices flowing, dear readers:

  • 2010 Vancouver Olympics

    Later tonight, much of the world will no doubt gather round to enjoy the opening festivities of the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver. And while I could probably write an entire post about the glories of the beautiful city of Vancouver (the art! the coffee! the food! and on and on) instead I’ll share my…

  • Sim sim salabim

    When I was a kid, one of the best things about the weekend was the extra hours one could spend running around outside but more importantly it was the CARTOONS! Saturday mornings with Tom and Jerry and Looney Tunes provided a solid foundation for my humor later in life; I don’t think I shall ever…

  • 30 minutes looking

    It’s been an strange day– productive on the one hand but distracting. Oddly enough, today I tripped over an artist whose beautiful work simultaneously hit the nail on the head and sparked my imagination. I know I’m hardly the first person to share this video, but it’s so lovely it needs to keep being shared.…

  • Stereoscope

    A few months ago, I blogged about the William Kentridge show, Five Themes, at SFMoMA. In that post, I described my introduction to Kentridge’s work ten years ago at the Carnegie International Show. Since that first encounter with his work, I have been a fan. This evening, I thought I’d post a copy of the…

  • Combo

    Watching this video leaves me dumbfounded– the amount of work and artistry that went in to this collaborative production is just incredible. Take a look at this piece created by Blu and David Ellis at the Fame Festival earlier this fall in Italy. COMBO a collaborative animation by Blu and David Ellis (2 times loop)…

  • Tuesday

    After my recent posts about beloved cartoons, I’ve gotten a number of requests and recommendations from readers and dear friends. So tonight, I’d like to share with you some of the early work of Aardman, the brilliant British animation team who gave us Creature Comforts and the much loved Wallace and Gromit series. Ident, dates…

  • Disney delights

    Digging up that last batch of cartoons made me wonder about other old favorites from my childhood. Not surprisingly, the vastness of the Internet did not fail me. So I present to you two more childhood Disney favorites: Man do I love Donald Duck.. the muttering KILLS me… and both the soundtrack and foley for…

  • Halloween

    For as long as I can remember, Halloween has been my favorite holiday. Each year, I’d look forward to an annual excuse to get dressed up and be silly, and go around the neighborhood trick or treating, smelling the autumnal smells and laughing all along the way. Today, I still love the holiday, even if…

  • Maybe Sparrow, part two

    This was stuck in my head while working on the most recent daily portrait, Maybe Sparrow by Neko Case. The video was done by Julie and Paul Morstad.