Tag: Carnegie Mellon
Rusting on the vine
It has always fascinated me how seemingly trivial things can trigger one’s memory on a dime and transport you to another time or place in an instant– hidden snapshots of one’s life peppered throughout our daily comings and goings. This morning, paying bills at my desk and watching the rain pour down, iTunes surprised me…
Why be good when you can be better?
When I was an undergrad in design school , I was one of the weakest drawing students among my peers our freshman year. My professors, patient and inspiring though they were, seemed to remain concerned about my weaknesses in the fields of drawing and craft; it was the final pin-up discussions at which I shone.…
Josh Urso Design
Building on an earlier theme of friends and former classmates, today I thought I’d share the fabulous work of another buddy from my college days at Carnegie Mellon. When I think about it, the CMU connection theme could easily become a feature unto itself on AmandaMuses, but we’ll just see, I guess… Anyway, Josh Urso,…
The Last Lecture
Today we lost another brilliant mind and creator… More about Randy The Last Lecture