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Tag: flowers
Floral Offerings
While traveling through Bali, it was not unusual to come across shrines and offerings regularly. The island is predominately Hindu and offerings and prayers are a part of daily life. As an outside observer the practice appears beautiful and brings moments of quiet calm to life. These are flowers adorning a shrine in a fishing…
Sleeping flowers
A few more flowers from Bali…. not alive necessarily but still pretty lovely if you ask me.
Sunnyside up
A few more from my trip earlier in the spring. The flowers and plant life on the island were incredible and just so lush. I sort of love how the water from a morning rain trapped in the center of the above flower looks almost like an egg yolk.
Still busy, busy for the next few days. Saw these lights earlier though and couldn’t help but smile. Aren’t they pleasant?
New York
Since it’s New Year’s Eve and many Americans will be tuning in to watch the ball drop in Times Square tonight, it seemed like a good time to share my weekend trip to New York from earlier this fall. A friend had an art opening which was the perfect excuse to hop a train and…
It’s hard to believe, but today it was warm and sunny enough to be driving around town with the windows down. Even though it’s November, Baltimore is, as usual, somewhat reluctant to admit that it’s fall and that winter will be on the way soon enough. The leaves are still hanging on though. And some…
Postcards from a quiet Sunday
It’s been a rainy, somewhat reluctant spring, weather-wise. Today was no exception, complete with tornado and flash flood warnings.. most other days are moody, stormy mornings with sunny afternoons and stormy nights. The cloudy skies have been beautiful though. This past weekend brought the first peonies of the season though, which always puts a massive…
Day 79.2–Equinox
Welcome, Spring! I’ve missed your colors and soft forms… Though I like these grey, northern skies, it’s warmth and light I need… and today is the Spring Equinox…
Came home after a long, LONG day to a complete surprise: Feeling very lucky…. and loVed..