
Tag: paint

  • Cracked & Peeling

    Between the wind and frigid temperatures, this time of year can be hard on one’s skin. Looking through unpublished photos, I couldn’t help but think of the winter’s harsh effect on skin when I spotted these: Hope you’re all keeping warm and well-hydrated wherever you are.

  • Palette

    There’s something about this photo, I don’t know what it is. I guess it’s the colors; their combination and proportions. Perhaps they remind me of Vincent Van Gogh’s work while he was in Arles. One of his variations of Augustine Roulin as ‘La Berceuse‘ (1, 2,3, 4)? Or maybe ‘Crab on its back?’Or maybe one…

  • Drips of Paint

    While tidying hard drives and sorting through hundreds of unpublished photos, it’s not unusual to come across themes in the images that have, until then, gone unnoticed. The theme that struck me this weekend? Drips of paint… Here are some I found on a Swedish farm… And in a train yard… …Some in London… By…