Tag: red

  • Triad

    Rather like the implied light source of the orange in this. Also always like the triad of blue, orange and red together.

  • Ahead

    This weekend in America we moved clocks ahead an hour. This generally means the following Monday is full of zombies disoriented and exhausted by what shouldn’t be a big deal but for some reason our bodies just can’t deal with it. Anyway, it’s a new week and at least around here, a sunny-ish one to…

  • Bam

    I’m not really a pink person, but in the right context, it can be rather nice, I think.

  • Lights

    Still busy, busy for the next few days. Saw these lights earlier though and couldn’t help but smile. Aren’t they pleasant?

  • Holiday break

    Just a quick post to say ‘Happy New Year.’ As you may have guessed this is a sibling a few of the illustrations posted earlier in December (1, 2, 3) which were iterations for the last round of Spark in 2013. This one felt festive with it’s bright, complementary colors. Hope everyone’s year is off…

  • Sometimes you just feel…

    This year has felt brutal in places and the last few days/weeks have been pretty intense (that’s not to say there haven’t been some highlights too but it’s been hard to get them to outshine the negative at times). Tomorrow is a new week though and in a month it will be a new year.…

  • Palette

    There’s something about this photo, I don’t know what it is. I guess it’s the colors; their combination and proportions. Perhaps they remind me of Vincent Van Gogh’s work while he was in Arles. One of his variations of Augustine Roulin as ‘La Berceuse‘ (1, 2,3, 4)? Or maybe ‘Crab on its back?’Or maybe one…

  • Fuel

    Sleep patterns always seem to get erratic when the seasons change and with that energy levels can fluctuate too. Today, I could do with a little more energy so this picture seemed rather appropriate. Found it the other day while exploring a train yard. Update: Like this photo? Now it’s available as a matted archival…

  • Day 22–Fragment

  • Today’s fresh textures

    After taking most of last week off, I thought I’d start the week off with a few fresh texture finds:

  • Shadows