Tag: sketch

  • Shoveling

    Unless you live under a rock or more likely, are one of my readers from abroad you might not know that this weekend brought Baltimore an historic blizzard. So this afternoon once the snow had stopped, I helped my family dig out. My mum was kind enough to supply the following video of my father…

  • A week in your life

    Building on my recent talk of sketchbooks and organizational systems, now seems like an appropriate time to share a series which outlines a week in the lives of thirteen artists, designers and thinkers. Organized by I.D. Magazine to demonstrate the versatility of Moleskine’s new folio collection of sketchbooks, the series was exhibited this past April…

  • Cutting room floor

    Here’s a sample of recent work from the cutting room floor so to speak… What are YOU working on these days, dear readers?

  • Sneak Peek

    People have been asking me what I’ve been working on lately, so here’s a quick snapshot of one of the projects on my desk: What are YOU working on these days??

  • Afternoon sketch

    Flipping through old photos from my travels, this shot of the ruins at St. Karin’s in Visby struck me. And seemed like a good basis for a quick exploration… Makes me want to take a long weekend on the island… Images: me

  • Protected: Remember

    There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.

  • Afternoon sketch

    This is a montage of snaps from my travels over the last few years… I’ve got workshops on the brain this afternoon… so it’s no wonder my mind is drifting somewhere industrial and scuffed up… Enjoy your weekend, everyone! And don’t do too much heavy lifting 😉

  • Believe…

    in an ocean of possibilities… Images: me