
Daily D’Art–Day 365

Well it’s New Year’s Eve and the final day of the year. While I managed to post a daily portrait of D’Art the cat as promised in a post last January, I will admit the results are a little different than I had intended. When I started in January, I was hoping to push myself to do more drawings but ended up sticking to a comfort zone of photo manipulations.

There are a handful of images in this year’s collection that I rather like, but will admit that I don’t think this year’s daily365 project was as compelling or perhaps successful as the daily portrait series I did in both 2010 and 2011 (Here are the summary videos of 2010 and 2011).

Oh well. Tomorrow is a new year and another chance to start something. Stay tuned… and Happy New Year!

Daily-D'Art-Day365 by AmandaMuses






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