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Category: Film
Kite Runner
Clearly I’ve missed out until recently when I saw the movie Kite Runner (based on the book of the same title by Khaled Hosseini). What drew me into the movie initially (since I will admit I’ve not read the book) were the titles by MK12 and their flowing whirl of dreamy watercolored calligraphy. Lovely, right?…
Traveling through the snow
Even though the books are long since published, and the movie(s) shot by two different directors in two different languages, I still can’t help but like The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo (aka Män Som Hatar Kvinnor) and the soundtrack produced for the American movie version directed by David Fincher. There’s something about the album…
This year, thanks to Superstorm Sandy, Halloween festivities were rescheduled in my neighborhood. As it turned out, many adults celebrated in costume the weekend before the storm so this year we get to enjoy TWO Halloweens in Baltimore. A few years ago, I posted other fun old cartoons that make me happy and remind me…
Scratching the surface
A while ago, I was traveling in New Orleans and stopped for brunch. It was a hot sunny day and we ended up in one of the French Quarter‘s hidden courtyards with flowering trees and a jazz trio. After a leisurely meal in the shade, I noticed the scratched walls of the passageways on the…
Like a lampshade…
She was a hoot. A smart lady who blazed a trail for women. Yesterday, Phyllis Diller died. I did not know her personally or follow her movements too closely, yet when the news of her passing was announced on the radio, I shouted “No!”. I remember her from when I was a kid– her dry…
Industrial Revolutions
After what feels like the last eight months of obsessing a bit too much about work, sometimes it’s hard to remember just how to make yourself smile. Tonight, catching up on literally thousands of unread articles I found this beautiful short of Danny MacAskill exploring an old ironworks. Gorgeous, inspiring and a genuine delight to…
3 minutes to a year
Here it is finally, dear readers–a summary video of last year’s daily365 portrait project. Many of you have asked for or inquired about it and my apologies for keeping you all waiting… the last few weeks have kept me busy with holiday celebrations and visitors. What do you think, dear readers? Seeing a year’s worth…
Here for Good
For those who attended the 99% Conference a few weeks ago in New York, got a preview of stills from most of this commercial; but now that it’s be released to the public, we can all enjoy it: What do you think, dear readers? Can a bank really stand for something? Would you do business…
Finally, the perfect use for an iPad:
Rich fudge and emotional intimacy…
Exit Through the Gift Shop
Next week holds the promise of the US release of the first film by Banksy. Last week, an extended teaser for the film was released which begins to outline Thierry Guetta’s (aka Mr. Brainwash) pursuit of the mysterious artist. Check it out: A list of venues and showtimes across the US is available on the…
Logos Galore
Lately, I’ve found myself attending a lot of networking events and meetings; not surprisingly, one of the results is many conversations about the design services I offer… Perhaps though, I should consider an ad like the following: Great stuff, right? Especially that smashing logo at the end…
Tips for Life: Robots
Back by popular demand, another installment of tips for life. Enjoy!
An alien trinket
[OK, so it’s not the real Werner Herzog… but it’s still funny]
The end of publishing?
The end of print publishing? Or?? Watch and see:
I tweeted about this months ago but somehow overlooked sharing this wonderfully fun artwork here. On display at the British Library in London is a painting by British artist, Patrick Hughes: Beautiful!
Ignite Baltimore 5
The videos of last week’s Ignite Baltimore 5 are all available on YouTube; life is good. The event itself was great; bigger and even better than IB4. Here are a few of the more memorable presentations: transcript of Brian Sacawa’s talk Part of what I liked about this talk was the belief in Baltimore he…
As a jump-start to the week, here is a gorgeous piece to get your creative juices flowing, dear readers:
Valentine’s Day
So it’s Valentines Day, for those who celebrate the occasion… Can’t say I’m the biggest romantic– I gravitate towards the Baudelaire and Poe end of the spectrum versus the Keats and Byron end. Even so I enjoy thoughtful observances of the day whether experienced first hand or not–it is a shame really that we need…