Tag: Branding
Redesigning Valentine’s Day
I tweeted about this earlier this week but given the date and the quality of work, this recent redesign was worth sharing here as well. As an interesting design challenge, Studio 360 charged the founders of Under Consideration, Bryony Gomez-Palacio and Armin Vit, with the task of ‘redesigning’ Valentine’s Day. The duo approached the project…
Day 28–Abranda
Off to a day of meetings…
Branding defined
While catching up on news and blogs this evening after spending much of the last two weeks on the road, I came across a post by Seth Godin about branding that caught my eye. Over the last few months, my brand hat has been collecting dust on my career hat rack while I shift focus…
Branding Cymru
Earlier today, I came across a post from the Institute of Welsh Affairs blog by Rhys David (as linked by Quixotic Quisling) that discussed Wales‘ image or ‘brand perception’ among world travelers. The post outlines the 2007 survey conducted by Simon Anholt and others, as well as the findings of this year’s survey in which…