Tag: Photos

  • Floral Offerings

    While traveling through Bali, it was not unusual to come across shrines and offerings regularly. The island is predominately Hindu and offerings and prayers are a part of daily life. As an outside observer the practice appears beautiful and brings moments of quiet calm to life. These are flowers adorning a shrine in a fishing…

  • Sleeping flowers

    A few more flowers from Bali…. not alive necessarily but still pretty lovely if you ask me.

  • Walking in the rain

    Lately, I’ve been trying to be more active again. I’ve been pretty good about working out regularly, but still feel like more movement needs to happen; so I’ve been working on that. With that in mind, I went for a walk in the rain tonight. After a long, hot sunny few days, it felt great…

  • Leafy Greens

    Summer is drawing to a close (in theory at least), kids are back in school and magazines, stores and cafes are all beginning to hint at the coming transition to fall. Even so, it still feels and looks pretty darn summery here in Baltimore …and summer in Baltimore means jungle-esque (hot, humid and very, VERY…

  • Sunnyside up

    A few more from my trip earlier in the spring. The flowers and plant life on the island were incredible and just so lush. I sort of love how the water from a morning rain trapped in the center of the above flower looks almost like an egg yolk.

  • Back to Earth

    Earlier this year I went on a trip that took me far across the globe. Since my return, it’s been a whirlwind of activity everywhere, it seems, but here. But finally, FINALLY, I’m coming back to the photo- and art-related work that’s been left off since my trip. I’ve already shared a photo or two…

  • Stone Flower

    Another from my trip earlier in the spring…

  • Sun on your shoulder

    Last month, this was part of my view. It’s been a few busy weeks since then and about time (overdue, really) to start sharing pictures, I think…especially after torrential rains for the last two days! More soon…

  • A little rain must fall

    Rumor has it it’s supposed to be rainy this weekend. Stay tuned, I guess.

  • Spotty

    Had forgotten about this photo and then came across it again this afternoon. Not sure why I never posted this but here it is now.

  • Pax

    If you’re tuning in from America, or keep up on US current events, you’re probably aware of a massive winter storm bearing down on the east coast at the moment. Last night the storm blew into town, dumping close to a foot of snow in my neighborhood in about 12 hours. The snow drifts on…

  • A is for

    A is for…. you tell me.

  • Cloud Bursts

    Weather throughout the US has been a little unpredictable lately. Sounds like folks are already mentally ready for spring or summer, so how about a few snapshots from a warmer season to daydream about:

  • Pressed

    A few snaps from Golden, Colorado a while back. Old license plates baking in the mile high, golden sun.

  • Ye11ow

    At least one person I care about really loves the color yellow. So here is a collection of a few yellows I’ve come across, just for them:

  • Textures

    Have been feeling colorful lately and enjoying combinations of colors I wouldn’t necessarily expect to like. Here are a few examples that fit that description— pinks and yellows paired with cold lavender-y blues that remind me of medicine or detergent.

  • Bam

    I’m not really a pink person, but in the right context, it can be rather nice, I think.

  • Shadows

    Amazing the things you trip over when you stop or slow down for a moment. Sort of in love with this shot of the shadows on my window during a recent road trip.

  • Lights

    Still busy, busy for the next few days. Saw these lights earlier though and couldn’t help but smile. Aren’t they pleasant?

  • Salt

    It’s turning out to be a cold winter for a change and while we’ve had some snow from a few storms, I’m still hoping for more. And in America, where there is snow, there is often salt. A while ago I was driving through the mountains in a snow storm. Sometimes even crummy roads and…