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Tag: weather
A little rain must fall
Rumor has it it’s supposed to be rainy this weekend. Stay tuned, I guess.
If you’re tuning in from America, or keep up on US current events, you’re probably aware of a massive winter storm bearing down on the east coast at the moment. Last night the storm blew into town, dumping close to a foot of snow in my neighborhood in about 12 hours. The snow drifts on…
Recent Clouds
It’s been a while since I pulled together a collection of cloud pictures (Like this one and this one). Here are few more from the semi-recent past: How has everyone’s week been so far?
Summer skies
It’s been a pretty perfect summer here in Charm City— a mix of hot and sunny with a healthy dose of rain. But I will admit it’s been a disappointing year so far for the big storms that blow in with hurricanes. The upside of course is everything has grown like a glorious jungle and…
Hurricane Season
So it’s hurricane season (or has been for weeks but has finally been picking up). And that means, among other things, potential for good storm clouds (perfect for watching and picture snapping). Having grown up with hurricanes, I actually look forward to the crazy storms. While I wait for this year’s batch of end-of-summer storms…
It’s not often that I miss living out west (see also: the Rockies), since in general I am a coastal creature. But this time of year when my mountain state friends start to post pictures of heaps of snow or other more traditional winter-y scenes, I start to miss those Rockies a little:
It’s hard to believe, but today it was warm and sunny enough to be driving around town with the windows down. Even though it’s November, Baltimore is, as usual, somewhat reluctant to admit that it’s fall and that winter will be on the way soon enough. The leaves are still hanging on though. And some…
Storm Reporting
Hey Baltimore, MD and East Coast– We made the news (not surprisingly) in Sweden: View on SVT’s site, just in case View on SVT’s Site Schysst!
Waiting for the storm..
By now, you’ve probably already heard about the massive storm, Hurricane Sandy, also dubbed Frankenstorm winding its way along the Atlantic coast at the moment. For most of the day my neighborhood, usually a bustling mix of residences and local businesses, has been eerily empty. The rain has been falling steadily for a few hours…
Rainy Day
Found this little fella on a rainy stroll through French Quarter a few weeks ago… Today it’s stormy here in Charm City. How’s the weather where you are, dear readers?
Summer Storm
We’ve been experiencing record breaking high temperatures… which is actually nice–the streets aren’t too crowded and everyone slows down. The other pleasant side effect is the inevitable thunderstorms that roll in after the heat wave…
Postcards from a quiet Sunday
It’s been a rainy, somewhat reluctant spring, weather-wise. Today was no exception, complete with tornado and flash flood warnings.. most other days are moody, stormy mornings with sunny afternoons and stormy nights. The cloudy skies have been beautiful though. This past weekend brought the first peonies of the season though, which always puts a massive…
Nowhere fast
Last night brought a snowstorm the likes of which the City has not seen in years… in ’96 I spent a week snowed in during the big storm… today does not look much different, except the snow keeps coming so much faster I live close to a state highway, here it is this afternoon– so…
Postcards from the Road