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One Little Word & This year’s Daily365
So it’s a new year (FINALLY) and that often means new year’s resolutions. In the past, I’ve made some and like most follow through on them with mixed results. Small things seem to be easier to adopt but even so, we all have our road blocks and detours.
So this year, I’m trying something different. Following the advice of others, I’ve decided to pick a word for the year as best described by Ali Edwards and her One Little Word concept.* I’ve still written down a few goals or hopes for the year for my own reference but I’m not going to limit my focus to those. Instead, my resolution-ish efforts will be aimed at my word for the year, endeavor.
Picking a word upon which to focus does not magically affect change (unfortunately). Instead, it serves as a sort of personal mantra for the year, a sort of motivation or guide when I wake in the morning or to reflect upon when feeling direction-less in a given project or pursuit. We’ll see how it goes. But I’m pretty excited to infuse my year with the concept (or is it really a pursuit?) of endeavor.
This year, I’m also going to do my Daily365 exercises a little differently too (at least that’s the plan for now). Instead of one project that I get sick of by July, this time a handful of shorter term projects will be my goal. As in the past, my daily365 project exercises will be posted here in the Daily365 section of this site. Ultimately, I hope to re-do this section to be easier to navigate between the years, but for now it’s ordered chronologically from 2013 backward (stay tuned on this front).
So, how about all of you? Have you made any resolutions for the new year or opted to focus on a word? What’s your word for the year?
*You can still sign up for Ali’s One Little Word 2014 workshop if you want to try this concept but would like some help and creative prompts to follow through along the way.
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