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Category: Design
Kite Runner
Clearly I’ve missed out until recently when I saw the movie Kite Runner (based on the book of the same title by Khaled Hosseini). What drew me into the movie initially (since I will admit I’ve not read the book) were the titles by MK12 and their flowing whirl of dreamy watercolored calligraphy. Lovely, right?…
Here for Good
For those who attended the 99% Conference a few weeks ago in New York, got a preview of stills from most of this commercial; but now that it’s be released to the public, we can all enjoy it: What do you think, dear readers? Can a bank really stand for something? Would you do business…
Redesigning Valentine’s Day
I tweeted about this earlier this week but given the date and the quality of work, this recent redesign was worth sharing here as well. As an interesting design challenge, Studio 360 charged the founders of Under Consideration, Bryony Gomez-Palacio and Armin Vit, with the task of ‘redesigning’ Valentine’s Day. The duo approached the project…
Alexander McQueen
The passing and loss of (Lee) Alexander McQueen today is beyond description. There is nothing I can say that has not already been said, I did not know him but I loved his work. Here are a few of the write-ups in the papers and some of his work that has inspired me over the…
Type Oscars
It may be almost a month before the Academy Awards, but Ellen Lupton has already posted her picks for the Oscars of Type. Personally I love her Best Serif pick: Which faces made your list, dear readers?
Sherlock Holmes
Have you seen Danny Yount’s titles for Guy Ritchie’s Sherlock Holmes? Wow! Read Art of the Title’s interview with Yount here and see the evolution of his work on this project as well as the full credits themselves. Image: Art of the Title
Why be good when you can be better?
When I was an undergrad in design school , I was one of the weakest drawing students among my peers our freshman year. My professors, patient and inspiring though they were, seemed to remain concerned about my weaknesses in the fields of drawing and craft; it was the final pin-up discussions at which I shone.…
Astonished by drawing
“Accuracy is the least significant part of drawing… but you have learn to draw accurately before you can do anything else…” Five minutes with Milton Glaser on drawing from 2006. Video by C. Coy
Things I missed at Make/Think
I did not attend the AIGA biennial conference, Make/Think, last week in Memphis. I tried, but my planning efforts quickly became a logistical nightmare; in the end, I decided to save the money for a mortgage payment instead of the agony of figuring out travel to a town with out Southwest service and overbooked hotels…
Letterpress Delicacies
For whatever reason, I’ve been looking at a lot of letterpessed work lately. I’d like to share the work of an Austin-based couple, Heather & Thomas hollifield, also known as Letterpress Delicacies. The precision and clean lines of their design style is exciting. Taking a peek at their charming work available for purchase online via…
Josh Urso Design
Building on an earlier theme of friends and former classmates, today I thought I’d share the fabulous work of another buddy from my college days at Carnegie Mellon. When I think about it, the CMU connection theme could easily become a feature unto itself on AmandaMuses, but we’ll just see, I guess… Anyway, Josh Urso,…
Alberto Cerriteño
Today I would like share the work of Portland based, Mexican illustrator/designer, Alberto Cerriteño. Inspired by the pop surrealism movement, his work is densely packed with dreamlike whimsy. Prints of Alberto’s beautiful illustrations are available for purchase online at his Etsy boutique. And for those as enamored of his work as I am, he has…
Mari’s new bags
As a designer, a former resident of Scandinavia and one who claims partial Finnish heritage, I am, not surprisingly, a fan of Marimekko. While I have never owned one of their classically simple Olkalaukku bags or one of their colorful dresses, I have often enjoyed the vibrant and playful patterns from this uniquely Finnish company.…
For as long as I can remember, art has been a profound source of joy and is something for which I maintain a healthy appetite. The portion of my brain relegated to art is no doubt the majority which might explain my distaste for all things trigonometric or vacuum-related. Anyway, I tend to spend a…
Viktor Schreckengost
The world is a little darker without one of the most brilliant contemporary American designers… He made things better, beautiful and fun… He was an incredible artist and designer..